Suspension, Revoked, Demerit Points: What it means?

( CONTENTS are for SINGAPORE Traffic Context)


After obtaining your Drivers’ Licence in Singapore you will be on Probation for a year. During that period of time, you are to display your “P” or probation plate on the vehicle you are driving or riding, even if that vehicle is not yours, you will need to display it.  You will be given 12 points to go and “play ” with.

Lets looks at the DIPS ( Driver Improvement Points) system:

DIPS is a system which allows a motorist to accumulate up to 24 points within 24 months before he becomes liable for suspension, provided the motorist has already passed the probation period. The system is designed to identify high-risk motorists or habitual offenders and to stop them from driving for a specified period of time.

The system also requires recalcitrant offenders suspended for one year or longer to re-sit and pass a driving test before they are allowed to drive again.

If you have points deducted say 6 points, on the anniversary ( meaning 1 year later) the points will be returned to you.

If you managed to keep a clean record for 3 years, you will enjoy a 5% discount OVER and Above the usual NO Claim bonus that you enjoy with your insurance renewal.  This is also subjected whether you have made any claims for insurance on your car over the past 3 Years.

Revoked and Suspension

When you are BARRED from driving or what we know as suspended from driving for more than a year, the licence will be considered REVOKED.  Usually when that happens, you will need to surrender the Licence to the TP HQ in Ubi Ave 3.  You will have to re-sit all the practical and theory tests to be allowed to drive again.

For the Probation motorist, their licence will be revoked once they accumulated 13 or more demerit points within the year they attained their licence. If you are on PROBATION and you fail on 2 counts to show the P plate while driving, your licence can also be revoked.

During the period of Revoke, motorists are NOT ALLOWED to drive or ride on the roads that requires a proper Singapore Drivers’ Licence.  They are also not allowed to go for classes and take any driving test.  They can however stay home and maybe brush up on the theories.

If you are caught doing so, you are liable for fine and court sentence for jail sentences.


When you accumulate 24 demerit points or more within 24 consecutive months, your driving licence will be suspended for 3 months.

Repeat offenders: Your licence will be suspended again when you accumulate 12 points within 12 months of your last offence. Each suspension can be as long as 3 years.

During the period of Revoke, motorists are NOT ALLOWED to drive or ride on the roads that requires a proper Singapore Drivers’ Licence.  They are also not allowed to go for classes and take any driving test.  They can however stay home and maybe brush up on the theories.

They will be able to reinstate their drivers’ licence after they finished serving their suspension terms.

Road safety Mascot

Road safety Mascot

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