Avoiding Taffic Accidents in Singapore ( especially for P plates)

Many of us drive, but do not know what to do when met with an accident.  This is especially so for the P platers.  When I first got into my first accident, I was a total lost.  And it does not help to have a panicky friend beside you.  So what exactly happened:

The Story

Was driving along Sims Avenue, I parked into one inlet just to let my friend get down and buy some durians.  After she got on the car, I reversed my car out, probably I was not keeping a proper look out, I do not know why I was looking at the right side, when the traffic was coming from the right :P.  So true enough a car just head on to my passenger side.  That was when my friend freaked out.  I was still shocked.

The first thing that happened was we pulled by the road side.  Being a busy road, you can imagine how devastating it was for a new P plater like me.  Well, the person who banged into me was an Indian Uncle.  He saw my P plate and started to scold me.. :” Girl, there’s not supposed to have any parking here!!What you doing!!?”.  Panic, shocked overwhelmed me.  Of course, the whole episode was a bad experience and somehow , most accidents happen because of some “stupid” things like : Buying durian, meeting friends, going for marketing in some busy places.

When you look back.  You will laugh at it and think that it was probably not worth all the hassles and unhappiness if you had been a bit careful.

Avoiding Accidents

Well prevention is always better than cure.  Singapore is a very developed country now.  And our well planned public transport system is really the best in this region.  Here are some of the tips for new bie drivers:

1.Avoid driving out on weekends and peak hours ( take the public)

Yes, you might beg to differ but if you are not ready to pay those extra hundreds and have a No Claim Discount by the end of the year, then please get yourself more familiar with the roads first before charging on the roads esp on busy hours.  Chances are during the peak hours and rush weekends, especially Malls and Orchard Road etc. Taking public allows you to lessen the hassle to park ( especially in town where there are more parallel parking than reversing)and get to your destination quick.  You can also cycle or try walking around those busy places first and understand the traffic situation first before driving there on more challenging hours.

2.Drive a smaller car

If this cannot be controlled ( as you might be sharing the family car) then really there’s no choice.  A smaller car or hatch backs helps new bies to park easier and also a short body prevents less “hits” into the pillar or sides.

3. DO not rely SOLELY on GPS

Being a new bie , you have to juggle with the controls of the car and at the same time look at the GPS, how hassle can that be.  Read through and plan through your route first.  Have an idea what is going to be like ( especially now that there are Google Earth, you can see the place first).  Then set off.  Remember, you DO NOT need to hurry.  And try never to hurry because chances are New bies get into accidents easily when you rush!

4. NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE , Drive on drowsy medication

In fact if you are sick, just stay at home or take public.  Driving requires full concentration and attention.  DO NOT think it is a  joking matter.  And of course, Drinking is needless to say.


In fact, my take is just chuck the handphone in your hand bag and throw at the passenger seat.  IN CASE you don’t know, the car is a machine that can cause fatality! Put your concentration on the roads and situation around.  Every road might be the same, but everyday different cars are on the same route you drive.  There might be just some inconsiderate motorist that might just shock your day.  Remember, a few minutes of no SMS can probably save your day!

Here is one youtube video about how SMSing on the roads can cause fatality

It is not your fault but do note that pedestrians are the KING of the roads.  NO matter what happens the court will definitely give them the highest priority.


Another few tragedies.  You do not need to live in guilt. ( credits : Youtube)

You have only one mission when you drive, that is to get to one place safely! So if you are not ready for it.. DON’T RISK IT!!

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