Alocholism- A problem A habit or a reason


Alcoholism was discussed earlier on in this blog.   There is a AA in Singapore, the AA is also known as Alcoholics Anonymous.  This is a group where they give support to alcoholics and help them to overcome their excessive or abusive drinking habits and get on with life.  Regular sessions are also held to have support team and discussions to help overcome the urge to drink for sufferers.

You can get more information about AA in the following link: AA in Singapore

Drinking too much is a problem and addiction

Drinking too much is a problem and addiction

How much is too much?

According  to the Health Promotion Board ( Singapore) guidelines, women should be drinking no more than one standard drink a day and men should also limit to 2 only a day.  A standard drink contains about 10g of alcohol which is equivalent to one can of beer, half a glass of wine or one nip of spirits. ( 35ml).  This is the recommendation by the board.

But for drinkers, the alcohol contents are never enough when they drink.  So how to stop properly.

One important rule of thumb

booking 3

  • Do not drink too fast.  And have something in your stomach before you start to drink.  Best to have some sort of carbs in your tummy, eg Bread Rice etc.
  • Allow some break time and drink some water before you decide to go on to the next one.  I personally have a smaller liver, so the doctor’s advice is that before I proceed on to the next drink at least rest about 5 minutes to see what the reaction of alcohol has on me.
  • DO NOT be peer pressurized.  Know that ultimately, this is your own body and not other people’s furthermore every one’s ability to handle alcohol is different, so DO NOT force yourself if you are not in the ability to drink.
  • Go for lighter drinks and put ice in your drink.  Go for lower alcohol volume like 3% beer or 4% cider.  Having ice in your drink help to prolong your drinking session although it might not exactly lower the volume of alcohol.
  • Bring some sweets along for your drinking session.  Before you go on to the next drink, take a sweet first then decide whether you want the next drink.
  • MAKE CONVERSATION more with your friends rather than just drinking.  Yes this is a tactic that some of the Karaok Girls do to last through the night or they will K.O very fast.  Talk talk talk and then sip your drink.

Once a while some crazy party and drinks is okay but try to keep that to only once a month.  You will realise that your health is highly compromised with such crazy actions!!


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